Results for 'Enrique Cases Martín'

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  1.  18
    Relations Between Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Specific Aspects of Empathy, and Non-verbal Sensitivity.Enrique G. Fernández-Abascal & María Dolores Martín-Díaz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436477.
    In this work, on the one hand, we examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and empathy and, on the other, the relationship between emotional intelligence and nonverbal sensitivity, through two independent studies. The first study analyzed the relationship between dimensions of emotional intelligence and aspects of empathy, in a sample of 856 participants who completed two measures of EI, the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) and the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), and a measure of empathy, The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (...)
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    The Necessary Limits to Temptation: The Turnkey Project.Enrique Hernández-Montes, Luisa María Gil-Martín & Armando Segura-Naya - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):529-533.
    In case of special engineering projects of important relevance it is interesting to pay attention to several possible risks; some of them are in the field of morality or ethics. Due to the social importance of these risks, additional considerations or even additional warranties are justified.
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    Exploring the Impact of Tensions in Stakeholder Norms on Designing for Value Change: The Case of Biosafety in Industrial Biotechnology.Vitor A. P. Martins dos Santos, Linde F. C. Kampers, Zoë Robaey & Enrique Asin-Garcia - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-28.
    Synthetic biologists design and engineer organisms for a better and more sustainable future. While the manifold prospects are encouraging, concerns about the uncertain risks of genome editing affect public opinion as well as local regulations. As a consequence, biosafety and associated concepts, such as the Safe-by-design framework and genetic safeguard technologies, have gained notoriety and occupy a central position in the conversation about genetically modified organisms. Yet, as regulatory interest and academic research in genetic safeguard technologies advance, the implementation in (...)
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    The Willingness to Intervene in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Scale: Development and Validation of the Long and Short Versions.Enrique Gracia, Manuel Martín-Fernández, Miriam Marco, Faraj A. Santirso, Viviana Vargas & Marisol Lila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  5. Stable theories with a new predicate.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1127-1140.
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    An exposition of the compactness of.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2020 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 26 (3-4):212-218.
    We give an exposition of the compactness of L(QcfC), for any set C of regular cardinals.
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    A new experience: The course of ethics in engineering in the department of civil engineering, university of Granada.Luisa María Gil-Martín, Enrique Hernández-Montes & Armando Segura-Naya - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (2):409-413.
    A course in professional ethics for civil engineers was taught for the first time in Spain during the academic year 2007/08. In this paper a survey on the satisfaction and expectation of the course is presented. Surprisingly the students sought moral and ethical principles for their own ordinary lives as well as for their profession. Students were concerned about the law, but in their actions they were more concerned with their conscience, aware that it can be separate from the law.
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    Nsoa , dinero, deuda y peonaje: cómo el parentesco fang tejió y destejió la economía colonial de la Guinea española.Enrique Martino Martín - 2016 - Endoxa 37:337.
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    p38 MAPK signalling cascades: ancient roles and new functions.Enrique Martín-Blanco - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (7):637-645.
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    Quién es Dios?Enrique Cases Martín - 2012 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
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  11. Excerpts from John Martin Fischer's Discussion with Members of the Audience.Scott MacDonald, John Martin Fischer, Carl Ginet, Joseph Margolis, Mark Case, Elie Noujain, Robert Kane & Derk Pereboom - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (4):408 - 417.
  12. Estrés positivo y afecto positivo.Enrique García Fernández-Abascal & María Dolores Martín Díaz - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (968):22-25.
    El término estrés es una aportación de un médico húngaro llamado Has Selye (1907-1982). Su primera intuición sobre la existencia de este proceso psicológico se produjo mientras realizaba su rotatorio hospitalario al final de sus estudios de medicina. Observó que todos los pacientes, independientemente de la enfermedad que padecieran, presentaban unos síntomas comunes que denominó el síndrome de "simplemente estar enfermo", y que posteriormente en su tesis doctoral fue renombrado como "síndrome general de adaptación". Esto dio lugar a que el (...)
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    Juridical Action for the Protection of Collective Rights and its Legal Impact: A Case Study.Enrique González Mac Dowell - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):644-654.
    The development in 1996 of a new generation of antiretroviral drugs was a major pharmaceutical advancement in the struggle against the epidemics of HIV and AIDS. However, due to high costs, access to these new drugs was almost impossible for most people living with HIV or AIDS. This situatiowhas been even more dramatic for those living with HIV/AIDS in poorer countries. Many of the organizations that are fighting for the rights of those with HIV have since developed human rights advocacy (...)
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    Hombre y Dios en las interpretaciones de Martin Heidegger sobre San Agustín: Agustín y el neoplatonismo Agustín:¿qué es el tiempo? Confesiones Libro XI.Enrique Muñoz - 2008 - Teología y Vida 49 (3).
    El presente artículo pretende mostrar que la "cuestión de Dios en Heidegger" no puede dejar al margen la "cuestión del hombre en Heidegger". La hipótesis de trabajo es que, con mayor o menor claridad, debe bosquejarse en el pensamiento temprano de Heidegger, esto es, en la época de las primeras lecciones de Friburgo, una concepción del ser humano, del mismo modo que ello acontece en el entorno de Ser y Tiempo. Dicha concepción del ser humano remite a la "cuestión de (...)
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    The Completeness of Scientific Theories: On the Derivation of Empirical Indicators within a Theoretical Framework: The Case of Physical Geometry.Martin Carrier - 2012 - Springer.
    Earlier in this century, many philosophers of science (for example, Rudolf Carnap) drew a fairly sharp distinction between theory and observation, between theoretical terms like 'mass' and 'electron', and observation terms like 'measures three meters in length' and 'is _2° Celsius'. By simply looking at our instruments we can ascertain what numbers our measurements yield. Creatures like mass are different: we determine mass by calculation; we never directly observe a mass. Nor an electron: this term is introduced in order to (...)
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    Enrique Dussel: hacia una Filosofía política de la Liberación. notas entorno a "20 tesis de política".Martín Retamozo - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (36):107-123.
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  17. (1 other version)La teoría pragmática de la vaguedad. Problemas Y perspectivas (the pragmatic theory of vagueness. Problems and perspectives).Enrique Romerales - 2004 - Theoria 19 (1):49-75.
    Los dos grandes problemas del enfoque supervaluacionista para la vaguedad son determinar cuáles son las precisificaciones admisibles y la vaguedad de orden superior ilimitado. Apelando al uso de los términos vagos por la comunidad lingüística competente puede dividirse de forma tajante la extension de un término precisando en qué casos se aplica definidamente, en cuáles se aplica indefinidamente y en cuales es indeterminado si se aplica. Esto produce dos órdenes de vaguedad, con lo que se bloquean los argumentos sorites. Finalmente (...)
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  18. Keynote Lectures.Daniel Ariztegui, Antony R. Berger, Luis Alberto Borrero, Enrique H. Bucher, Pedro Depetris, Martin Grosjean, Ramon Julià, Nizamettin Kazancı, Suzanne Leroy & Patricio I. Moreno - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  19. Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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    Speech predictability can hinder communication in difficult listening conditions.Miriam I. Marrufo-Pérez, Almudena Eustaquio-Martín & Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103992.
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  21. Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge.Martin Kusch - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (3):439-443.
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    Propaganda Model in Slovak Media Space: A Case Study.Martin Karas & Tomáš Imrich Profant - forthcoming - Human Affairs.
    This article reports results of an empirical study of Slovak media coverage of international affairs. The goal of the article is to determine whether the outputs of selected Slovak media correspond to the expectations of the Propaganda Model. In order to accomplish this goal, a content analysis of coverage of two cases of international conflict was performed and two hypotheses were evaluated. The hypotheses amount to an expectation that there will be a quantitative and qualitative difference in the way (...)
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    The apocalypse of being: the esoteric gnosis of Martin Heidegger.Mario Enrique Sacchi - 2002 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    Martin Heidegger's dispute with metaphysics -- The Heidegerrian arbitration of first philosophy -- The rejection of metaphysics as ontotheology -- An illusory extra-metaphysical thinking about Sein -- The replacement of metaphysics by an ontologistic gnosis -- A metaphysical cataloguing of Heidegger's thought about Sein -- The rejection of metaphysics as a regression to gnosticism.
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    Epistemología de las ciencias sociales en la filosofía de la liberación de Enrique Dussel.Martín Retamozo - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 60:339-345.
    Resumen: La filosofía de la liberación de Enrique Dussel ha propuesto a la analéctica como su método de reflexión filosófica. Sin embargo, a la hora de pensar una epistemología para las ciencias sociales críticas se evidencian varios temas no estudiados. Este artículo propone observar tres de estos aspectos epistemológicos claves: la construcción de la objetividad, el criterio de demarcación y de verdad, y la lógica de la investigación. A partir de identificar alcances y limitaciones en el tratamiento del tema (...)
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  25. Recognition and the case of indigenous reparations : a Habermasian critique of Habermas.Martin Blanchard - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.), Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    El Aporte de Jakob von Uexküll a Los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica. Mundo, finitud, soledad de Martin Heidegger.Enrique V. Muñoz Pérez - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (75):85-103.
    Resumen: En este artículo sostengo que los planteamientos de Jakob von Uexküll constituyen un apoyo científico decisivo para las reflexiones metafísicas de Martin Heidegger sobre el mundo, más allá de lo que el mismo Heidegger reconoce explícitamente. En particular, los estudios de Jakob von Uexküll enfatizan, de mejor manera que el mecanicismo y el vitalismo, la relación que existe entre el medio ambiente y el mundo interior del animal, lo que es fundamental para que Heidegger sostenga en su lección de (...)
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    Ethics in nursing: cases, principles, and reasoning.Martin Benjamin - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Joy Curtis.
    Moral dilemmas and ethical inquiry -- Unavoidable topics in ethical theory -- Nurses and clients -- Recurring ethical issues in interprofessional relationships -- Ethical dilemmas among nurses -- Personal responsibility for institutional and public policy -- Cost containment, justice, and rationing.
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    Conservatism Between Theory and Practice: The Case of Migration to Europe.Martin Https://Orcidorg Beckstein & Vanessa Rampton - 2018 - .
    This paper explores the neglected relationship between conservatism as a political theory, and conservatism as political practice, using the example of recent immigration to Europe. A cursory glance at how European politicians have responded to migration challenges suggests that they roughly divide into a leftist ‘liberal’ and a rightist ‘conservative’ camp, between those that favour some form of an open-arms policy and those who prefer to close borders. The situation, however, is more complex. This article engages with the resources of (...)
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    Dream Interpretation as Test Case for Hermeneutics.Martin Derksen - 1991 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 22 (2):134-141.
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    A case of intersemiotics: The reception of a visual advertisement.Fernande Saint-Martin - 1992 - Semiotica 91 (1-2):79-98.
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    AI Case Studies: Potential for Human Health, Space Exploration and Colonisation and a Proposed Superimposition of the Kubler-Ross Change Curve on the Hype Cycle.Martin Braddock & Matthew Williams - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (1):3-18.
    The development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) is and will profoundly reshape human society, the culture and the composition of civilisations which make up human kind. All technological triggers tend to drive a hype curve which over time is realised by an output which is often unexpected, taking both pessimistic and optimistic perspectives and actions of drivers, contributors and enablers on a journey where the ultimate destination may be unclear. In this paper we hypothesise that this journey is not (...)
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    Carlo Ginzburg's conference in Geneva: 'Ethnophilology two case studies', an analytical comment.Martin Rueff - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    Le 15 septembre 2016, Carlo Ginzburg était invité par le Groupe Genevois de Philosophie à tenir une conférence dans le cadre d’un colloque consacré à « La philosophie et son histoire : un débat actuel ». En étudiant les deux cas de Garcilaso de la Vega et de John David Rhys, Ginzburg apportait une contribution de poids à l’ethnophilologie – si la philologie est la discipline académique qui permet d’établir la lettre des textes, l’ethnophilologie devient sous sa plume l’entreprise qui (...)
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  33. A new age in the history of philosophy: The world dialogue between philosophical traditions.Enrique Dussel - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (5):499-516.
    This article argues the following points. (1) It is necessary to affirm that all of humanity has always sought to address certain `core universal problems' that are present in all cultures. (2) The rational responses to these `core problems' first acquire the shape of mythical narratives. (3) The formulation of categorical philosophical discourses is a subsequent development in human rationality, which does not, however, negate all mythical narratives. These discourses arose in all the great urban neolithic cultures (even if only (...)
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    A case of pseudo prophesy.Lillien J. Martin - 1916 - Psychological Review 23 (2):163-164.
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  35. Amounts of Vagueness, Degrees of Truth.Enrique Romerales - 1999 - Sorites 11:41-65.
    Many theorists think nowadays that vagueness is a widespread phenomenon that affects and infects almost all terms and concepts of our thought and language, and for some philosophers degree of truth theories are the best way to cope with vagueness and sorites susceptible concepts. In this paper I argue that many of the allegedly vague concepts are not vague in the last analysis the philosopher or scientist could offer if compelled to, and that much of the vagueness of the properly (...)
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  36. The sociology of philosophical canons : the case of Georg Simmel.Martin Kusch - 2023 - In Sandra Lapointe & Erich Reck (eds.), Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  37. Anti-Science: The Strange Case of Paul Feyerabend.Martin Gardner - 1982 - Free Inquiry 3.
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  38. (1 other version)Nationalism and Crisis.Enrique Camacho - 2017 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:427-456.
    Nationalism seems a persistent ideology in academia as much as in politics; despite the fact that it has been shown that nationalism is deeply unjust for minorities. A case for national identity is often invoked to supplement liberalism regarding the inner difficulties that liberal theories have to explain their membership, assure stability and produce endorsement. So, it seems that national identity may also be required for justice. While this controversy continues, I argue that a different approach is available. We can (...)
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    “The testimony of my own eyes”: The Strange Case of the Mammal with a Beak.Martin Kemp - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):43-49.
    There has always been a significant element of trust when we look at an image of something we have not seen, above all when it looks naturalistic and convincing. Illustrators often employ naturalistic tricks in the service of the “rhetoric of reality.” The case study is the Australian Duck-Billed Platypus, which stretched credibility when it was first discovered, resembling an artificially confected monster. The first scientific account, by George Shaw in T he Naturalist’s Miscellany in 1799, is a masterpiece of (...)
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    Mark and counterfeiting: the case of the Galrão printers family.Maria Teresa Payan Martins - 2014 - Cultura:109-121.
    João Galrão, fundador de uma das mais importantes oficinas tipográficas na Lisboa do século XVII, possuía quatro marcas tipográficas, as quais apresentam como característica comum a presença das suas iniciais – IG. Se muitas das espécies produzidas na oficina de João Galrão ostentam, no rosto ou no cólofon, a marca do impressor, após a sua morte, a situação altera-se. António Pedroso Galrão, sobrinho e continuador do impressor João Galrão, utilizou, até meados do século XVIII, o material tipográfico da oficina de (...)
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  41. Toward Political Explanation of Change in Corporate Responsibility: Political Scholarship on CSR and the Case of Palm Oil Biofuels.Martin Fougère & Ville-Pekka Sorsa - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):1895-1923.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recently conceptualized and studied as a political phenomenon. Most debates in this scholarship have thus far focused on normative issues. Less attention has been paid to the explanatory potential of CSR research grounded in political theory and philosophy. In this article, we conduct a pragmatist reading of political scholarship on CSR and seek to deploy existing knowledge for research pursuing political explanation. We argue that the political ontologies that underlie scholarship on CSR can be (...)
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    Metafísica, lógica y mundo.Enrique Muñoz Pérez - 2013 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 69:215-225.
    Este artículo pretende ser una interpretación de algunos pasajes de la lección Los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica. Mundo, finitud, soledad que Martin Heidegger dictara en la Universidad de Friburgo , el semestre de invierno de 1929/30. Mi hipótesis investigativa es que Heidegger lleva a cabo una lectura metafísica de la lógica, cuyas consecuencias son antropológicas, en el sentido que permiten establecer la distinción entre el animal y el ser humano. En otras palabras, me parece que el detenido análisis sobre (...)
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    Quine's response to the Dualisms of Kant and Carnap: A Case of Abortive Hegelianism.Martin G. Kalin - 1972 - Philosophy Today 16 (3):180-192.
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    The Aesthetics of Argument.Martin Warner - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Argument and imagination are often interdependent. The Aesthetics of Argument is concerned with how this relationship may bear on argument's concern with truth, not just persuasion, and with the enhancement of understanding such interdependence may bring. The rationality of argument, conceived as the advancement of reasons for or against a claim, is not simply a matter of deductive validity. Whether arguments are relevant, have force, or look foolish cannot always be assessed in these terms. Martin Warner presents a series of (...)
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    Libre determinación y consulta como bases de los derechos fundamentales de los pueblos indígenas en la jurisprudencia del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos = Free determination and consultation as a basis of the fundamental rights of the indigenous peoples in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System.Enrique Francisco Pasillas Pineda - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 29:2-31.
    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo propone un análisis de los Derechos Fundamentales de los pueblos indígenas a la luz de los principios internacionales de Libre Determinación y Consulta Previa, como fundantes y presupuestos de los demás Derechos Indígenas. En consecuencia, se analiza el Derecho a la Consulta, que debe ser previa, libre, informada, de buena fe, culturalmente adecuada y con el propósito de obtener el consentimiento; donde todas éstas características son el estándar mínimo a cumplir en cualquier proyecto de desarrollo o (...)
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    Discourses of Nature in New Perceptions of the Natural Landscape in Southern Chile.Enrique Aliste, Mauricio Folchi & Andrés Núñez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:296209.
    Landscapes are shaped over time by the changing imaginaries that result from new representations of nature and the value associated with it. This paper discusses the evolving discourses which have shaped the perception of the landscape in two socially and ecologically significant contexts in Chile. The first is the central-southern region of the country, a large portion of which is now devoted to commercial forestry plantations. The second is the Patagonia-Aysén region, where since the 1990s, colonisation of a land defined (...)
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    Entrepreneurial Passion and Personality: The Case of Academic Entrepreneurship.Martin Obschonka, Julia Moeller & Maximilian Goethner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48. The Case against Different-Sex Marriage in Kant.Martin Sticker - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (3):441-464.
    Recently, a number of Kantians have argued that despite Kant’s own disparaging comments about same-sex intercourse and marriage, his ethical and legal philosophy lacks the resources to show that they are impermissible. I go further by arguing that his framework is in fact more open to same-sex than to different-sex marriage. Central is Kant’s claim that marriage requires equality between spouses. Kant himself thought that men and women are not equal, and some of his more insightful remarks on the issue (...)
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    Situational ethics and engaged practice : The case of archaeology in Africa.Martin Hall - 2005 - In Lynn Meskell & Peter Pels (eds.), Embedding ethics. New York: Berg. pp. 169--194.
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    About the applicability of Enrique Dussel's phenomenological and political proposal.Martín Fleitas González - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 13 (1):45-57.
    Entendiendo la tesis central que Enrique Dussel presenta en 20 Tesis de Política, como la reconstrucción de una histórica lucha entre la voluntad-de-vida de la comunidad política y la potestas fetichizada, señalo que el autor solo investiga las características del primero, ciego a aquellos mecanismos por los que la potestas fetichizada libra su lucha por reproducir las condiciones de su existencia colonizando el mundo de la vida. En virtud de esta ceguera, y buscando dotar de cierta aplicabilidad a la (...)
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